So one day, one of our members, Lisa, came in, and she was having trouble on one of the devices and getting past her growth trigger.
It was getting her down, and she was disappointed that she couldn’t hit her growth trigger goal. As I was taking her, we made some adjustments.
She’s strong in her body, she can get high numbers, but just one device is giving her trouble. There has to be something that we can fix here to ensure that you’re a strong person.
So I set her up on the upper growth trigger, and I noticed her arms seemed a little bit close.
I told her to bring them out a little more, making it a little easier for Lisa.
So we adjusted the device, and she could blow past that growth trigger as I’d never seen her before.
I knew she had it in her. It just needed a tiny adjustment.
That’s what the eye of the coach is for, having the ability to catch those things.
To ensure progress is made during each session. So that was a time that made me happy to be a coach.
For those of you who don’t know, a growth trigger is when your brain recognizes that the pressure has increased to a point where your body triggers bone tissue growth in that specific part of your body.
So come into OsteoStrong and trigger that bone tissue growth with us!