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Take Your Strength To The Next Level

Take your strength to the next level with bone-strengthening OsteoStrong sessions.

I was a cyclist for many years. I love doing it.

For many years I was challenged with riding a bike for 100 miles.

I didn’t think I could do it.

We opened OsteoStrong, and one member told me she loves to cycle. We compared notes.

Eventually, I figured out how my body could do it, and I pushed myself, and I could do it for many years.

I had not been doing as much lately, but she explained to me that one of her most fun things.

Every weekend she goes and does road cycling around Chesterfield, the wild weather, and great hills.

But she doesn’t hang with the ladies when she rides.

I believe she’s 65, and when she goes cycling, she rides with the men, hits the hills, and hangs out with them.

She would give me the updates every week that we’d see her, and one week she came in and was extremely excited.

She had just done one of her races, and she had been training with the men.

But she competed against the women in her bracket and won the entire thing!

She attributed that to the strength she had gotten from OsteoStrong.

We were so excited to hear her say that.

It was an outstanding one for our early results, which is very validating.

She is taking her strength to the next level with bone-strengthening OsteoStrong sessions.