Cindy is here at OsteoStrong to prevent Osteoporosis and avoid taking any medication for it.
Cindy is moderately active, goes for walks, and takes care of her three grandsons, all under four. She watches them five days a week.
During her annual check-up, Cindy got a bone density test that showed she had Osteopenia and was one point away from Osteoporosis.
Cindy has a DEXA scan every two to three years, and her previous test showed some Osteopenia.
Her doctor even did an x-ray on her lumbar spine to ensure there was no fracture.
Cindy was then contacted by her, who suggested some medication.
Cindy preferred to try an alternative route and went to OsteoStrong, which her doctor approved. She feels her posture is better, and Cindy also feels much stronger.
“OsteoStrong has been a great benefit to my bone health.”