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OsteoStrong: The Hack That May Unlock Your Greatest Athletic Potential

The Good Men Project - June 30, 2024

Sooner or later, it seems everyone hits that dreaded plateau in their athletic journey. Whether that looks like a zeroing out in increased muscle mass or just not feeling the same energy you once did, plateauing can prove extremely difficult to overcome once you’ve hit it. But with membership-based integrative health and wellness center OsteoStrong and its emphasis on musculoskeletal training, you can overcome those hurdles and continue making the progress you hope for.

Avoid Plateaus Through Injury Prevention
Overtraining is a common cause of plateauing in your athletic journey and it also can lead to frustrating and painful injuries that lead you sidelined for weeks – further stifling your progress.

You may have heard it said that the best way to treat an injury is to make sure it doesn’t happen in the first place, and this advice holds up particularly well when it comes to working out. Proper injury prevention not only helps protect against injuries, but it can also help avoid overtraining which can lead to plateaus. OsteoStrong is one method among many that can aid in that prevention step.

OsteoStrong facilities and programs emphasize developing the skeletal system, a fundamental component of the body that usually goes overlooked. In caring for and strengthening this system, OsteoStrong states users have been able to improve bone density, posture, balance, and athletic performance, and experience less joint and back pain. The program utilizes a biological process known as osteogenic loading, which works for people of all ages and levels of activity to promote skeletal strength.

When asked about what he does to prevent injuries during his workouts or competitions, OsteoStrong founder and CEO Kyle Zagrodzky recently stated in an interview, “Here are two things I do to prevent injuries that have really worked for me.

First, is OsteoStrong. Aside from it being my company and seemingly self-serving to say so, I simply haven’t found anything that strengthens my bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles the way that OsteoStrong does. Having all of these systems at optimal levels goes a long way to preventing injuries.

The second thing is that I avoid using free weights. I used to have a chronic shoulder injury from lifting, and it really held me back for many years. I can lift really heavy with resistance bands, and I have never been injured by them.”

Additional Methods of Bodily Optimization
Outside of OsteoStrong, Zagrodzky mentioned several other habits he’s developed to stay at peak performance, which can help break through a plateau:

1. OsteoStrong weekly sessions. This is probably the easiest, as it only takes about 60 seconds of sweat-free effort a week, so no particular strategy needed here.

2. Heavy resistance training with latex bands utilizing the X3Bar. While heavy resistance training is one of the hardest ones to integrate in a routine, maximum outcome with maximum efficiency is the key.

3. Red light therapy. Given the benefits of red light therapy, and the fact that it only takes about 10 minutes to complete a session and that no physical effort is required, I’ll use this time to meditate, listen to a podcast or audiobook.

4. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy from my PEMF mat and the BioCharger. Just like the red light session, I listen to something or meditate.

5. Compression boots from Hyperice. You can do 15 minutes with these, but I like to use them for a 30-minute session because it feels great.”

In combination with these routines, among others, OsteoStrong can prepare anyone for pain-free physical activity, help reduce injury likelihood, and can be the needed hack to break through those dreaded athletic plateaus. Zagrodzky himself has stated that there will be two types of athletes in the future: ones that go to OsteoStrong and ones that lose.