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Bone Health Is Important for Kids Too

Discussions about bone health are usually reserved for women in their second half of life; however, building strong bones needs to be a focus of childhood health for both boys and girls. With 86% of teenage girls not consuming enough calcium, osteoporosis prevention has to start during youth.Bone Health Is Important for Kids Too


Is Your Back Hurting From Too Many Virtual Calls?

Too much screen time? See how “Text Neck” could be causing spine pain, headaches, and more. We have one more reason to question how healthy our smart phone addiction is. “Text Neck” is the phenomenon being labeled a “global epidemic” by chiropractors and spine specialists around the world, as humanity spends more time than ever with their neck in a forward flexed position, scrolling on their phones.


Don’t Sweat the Dog Days of Summer

We’re about to go into some serious heatwaves (as if we haven’t already) and keeping up with health goals can feel daunting when all you want to do is sit inside of air conditioning. Here are some tips for getting the most out of wellness when it’s too darn hot


Escape the Hot Flash Zone

If you’re over 40 you may have been hearing the word perimenopause lately. It’s coming up for more and more women these days, and for good reason. Peri is a Greek word meaning “near” or “around,” making perimenopause the term for women’s transition to the menopause stage

We’re not talking about a transition of a few weeks here. We’re talking about a process that can last anywhere from four years to a decade, terminating with the onset of menopause. Menopause, in contrast, technically arrives in a single day – the day marking 12 months without menstruation for menopause-age women.